**At this time, all of our Open Enrollment tours are completely full.
Thank you for your interest in Summit Middle School. In order to best understand our school mission, climate, and academic culture, we highly encourage all interested families to attend an Open Enrollment tour of Summit. Please Note: Tours are only open to students and parents of current 5th, 6th, and 7th grade students.
Reservations are required, and are first come, first serve. Your students must attend this event so please choose carefully. We will not be able to reschedule. You may only schedule one tour per family.
If you are unable to attend the scheduled tours, please plan to attend our Open Enrollment evening on Tuesday, December 3rd from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (Spanish interpretation available). Summit does not schedule individual tours.
Summit School tours begin with a presentation that includes a school overview followed by classroom visits. These tours will start with a meeting in our auditorium, Husky Hall. Reservations are required to attend. At this time, all of our Open Enrollment tours are completely full.
- Thursday, November 7th, 8:15 am to 9:45 am (This tour is currently full).
- Tuesday, November 12, 8:15 am to 9:45 am (This tour is currently full).
- Thursday, November 14th, 12:40 pm to 2:10 pm (Spanish interpretation available) (This tour is currently full).
- Tuesday, November 19th, 8:15 am to 9:45 AM (This tour is currently full).
- Thursday, November 21st, 8:15 am to 9:45 AM (This tour is currently full).
- Tuesday, December 3rd, 8:15 am to 9:45 AM (This tour is currently full).
- Thursday, December 5th, 12:40 pm to 2:10 pm (This tour is currently full).
- Tuesday, December 10th, 8:15 am to 9:45 AM (Spanish language only)
- Thursday, December 12th, 12:40 pm to 2:10 pm (Spanish interpretation available) (This tour is currently full).
Parent/Student Information Nights offer an in-depth look at Summit
Tuesday, December 3rd, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (Spanish interpretation available)
BVSD Open Enrollment Period
BVSD Open Enrollment begins at 8:00 am on November 1, 2024, and ends at 4:00 pm on January 8, 2024. Lottery results will be emailed out in January 2025.
BVSD Open Enrollment begins at 8:00 am on November 1, 2024, and ends at 4:00 pm on January 8, 2024. Lottery results will be emailed out in January 2025.
Eventos de inscripción abierta 24-25
Gracias por su interés en Summit Middle School. Con el fin de entender mejor nuestra misión escolar, clima y cultura académica, animamos encarecidamente a todas las familias interesadas a asistir a un recorrido de Inscripción Abierta de Summit. Los recorridos de la escuela Summit comienzan con una presentación general de Summit en nuestro auditorio, Husky Hall, y despues un recorrido de la escuela incluyendo visitas a los salones de clases. Se requiere reservaciones para asistir. Haga clic aquí para registrarse a un recorrido. Por favor, elija con cuidado, ya que no podemos reprogramar por ningún motivo.
- Jueves 7 de noviembre, de 8:15am a 9:45am (Este tour está lleno).
- Martes 12 de noviembre, de 8:15am a 9:45am (Este tour está lleno).
- Jueves 14 de noviembre, 12:40pm a 2:10pm (interpretación en español disponible) (Este tour está lleno).
- Martes 19 de noviembre, 8:15am a 9:45am (Este tour está lleno).
- Jueves 21 de noviembre, 8:15am a 9:45am (Este tour está lleno).
- Martes 3 de diciembre de 8:15am a 9:45 am (Este tour está lleno).
- Jueves 5 de diciembre de 12:40pm a 2:10pm (Este tour está lleno).
- Martes 10 de diciembre de 8:15am a 9:45am (solo en español)
- Jueves 12 de diciembre de 12:40pm a 2:10pm (interpretación en español disponible)(Este tour está lleno).
Las Noches de información para padres y estudiantes ofrecen una descripcion detallada sobre Summit
Martes 3 de diciembre, 6:30pm a 8:00pm (Interpretación en español disponible)
Martes 3 de diciembre, 6:30pm a 8:00pm (Interpretación en español disponible)
Inscripción en Summit
Summit es una escuela chárter pública, no una escuela de vecindario, lo que significa que los estudiantes que deseen inscribirse en la Escuela Intermedia Summit deben participar en el proceso de Inscripción Abierta (OE) de BVSD.
Summit es una escuela chárter pública, no una escuela de vecindario, lo que significa que los estudiantes que deseen inscribirse en la Escuela Intermedia Summit deben participar en el proceso de Inscripción Abierta (OE) de BVSD.
Período de inscripción abierta
La inscripción abierta de BVSD comienza a las 8:00am el 1 de noviembre del 2024 y finaliza a las 4:00pm el 8 de enero del 2025. Los resultados de lotería se enviarán por correo electrónico a mediados de enero del 2025.
La inscripción abierta de BVSD comienza a las 8:00am el 1 de noviembre del 2024 y finaliza a las 4:00pm el 8 de enero del 2025. Los resultados de lotería se enviarán por correo electrónico a mediados de enero del 2025.
Enrollment at Summit
Summit is a public charter school that is not a neighborhood school. This means that any student who is interested in attending Summit Middle School will need to participate in BVSD's Open Enrollment (OE) process.
How to Enroll At Summit
Any student interested in enrolling at Summit should complete an on-time application through the BVSD Open Enrollment (OE) process. You can find more instruction on how to enroll on the BVSD Open Enrollment website. Please remember to read through the guidelines on this page so that you have a good understanding of the process. Lottery results from the open enrollment lottery are typically emailed to families mid-January. If your student is offered a seat at Summit Middle School, you will have only a limited amount of time to decline that offer before your student is automatically accepted for the next school year.
Summit Open Enrollment Preference Information
Open enrollment preferences are only applied to on-time applications. Please make sure that you meet the deadline to ensure that any preferences that are applicable are applied to your student's application.
You will be prompted to answer questions regarding Summit's preferences. Please make sure to read and answer all questions in full. We are unable to adjust applications after they have been submitted.
Please also be aware that the preferences below do not guarantee your student a seat at Summit. They must be offered a seat through the lottery, which will take into consideration all students, preferences, and space available.
- Summit Board Member Preference: Children of school organizers and of present and former directors.
- Summit Employee Preference: Children of current teachers and staff residing in or out of the Boulder Valley School District. Click here for current job offerings at Summit.
- Summit Sibling Preference: In district sibling of currently enrolled students and Summit graduates (completed 8th grade at Summit), including those accepted in the current lottery.
- Family Income Preference: This preference applies to in-district applicants for 6th grade who submit an optional current year Family Economic Data Survey as part of their online open enrollment application and qualify as low-income, until 10% of the qualifying entering 6th grade students are enrolled.
- Please click here for more information on how to see if you qualify for BVSD's Free and Reduced Lunch program, and this preference. Families are also welcome to come into the front office for help with filling out their Free and Reduced application.
- In District with prior application: A student who was placed on the wait list and not offered a seat at Summit, but who is now applying again for the next school year.
- Student within the boundaries of BVSD: Any student who resides within the Boulder Valley School District will be given preference.
- Out of District Siblings: This preference will applied to any sibling of a current Summit student, or a former Summit student, that resides outside of BVSD.
Need Help Applying? Come on in!
If you need help completing the Open Enrollment application, or applying for the Free and Reduced Lunch program, please reach out to the Summit Office at 720-561-3900 or
We would be happy to help you complete your application in-person, and are able to provide a secure internet connections, a device for families to use, and any assistance answering questions along the way. You are also welcome to call the front office and we will do our best to assist you over the phone.