The Summit BOD encourages the participation of citizens of the district in decision making processes. However, the legal responsibility for decision making in all matters of policy and operations rests with the Board. Board Committees and their membership are only authorized by Board vote.
Authorized Board Committees should be identified as one of the following types:
Standing Committee:
May be authorized where (1) there is a compliance requirement to do so or (2) there is an established need for a consistently functioning Board committee structure throughout the year:
Finance & Budget Committee
School Accountability & Strategic Planning Committee
Development & External Relations Committee
Governance Committee
Annual Committee: May be authorized where there is a governance need for committee work that recurs annually but generally involves a focused, finite time-frame with defined deliverables :
Nominating Committee
Audit Committee
Principal Evaluation Committee
Diversity and Equity Committee
Pandemic Planning Committee
All Committees will be chaired by a voting Board member but can be co-chaired by others.Each voting Board member should be on at least one committee with the Chair as ex-officio on all committees. Standing Committees should establish a regular meeting schedule which will be posted on the Summit calendar. Standing Committees should operate with a degree of formality intended to promote communication and transparency including taking and posting of meeting minutes. All Committees are responsible for annual review of those policies and procedures related to their functions.
Expand the tabs below to learn more about each of Summit's board committees. Here you can view a description of the roles and responsibilities of each committee, as well as their meeting schedules and any recorded minutes from past meetings.
- School Accountability & Strategic Planning Committee
- Finance & Budget Committee
- Development & External Relations Committee
- Governance Committee
- Supporters of Summit (SOS) Board of Directors
- Nominating Committee
- Audit Committee
- Principal Evaluation Committee