Group of adults in the mountains


Linked below are Summit Newsletters and Weekly updates to keep families informed about what is happening at Summit. Summit sends a weekly update at the beginning of each week, and a monthly Newsletter at the beginning of each month. 


Here you will find an assortment of helpful parent resources. If you cannot find the information you are looking for please feel welcome to contact Summit office. 

Group of students  outside smiling
Three adults smiling
Kid showing their school locker
Group of kids in a classroom
Group of kids running
Art work


Click here to donate!

The Summit Annual Fund
As a charter school, Summit is responsible for its own finances. While the voters of BVSD have been very generous, state education funding has been relatively stagnant. Therefore, the Annual Fund augments the following:
  • Teacher compensation
  • Professional development initiatives
  • Educational tools for learning
  • Student activities and enrichment opportunities
  • Parent outreach
  • Facility updates and improvements
Due to our families’ generous contributions, Summit can afford to provide competitive teacher compensation, innovative learning tools, and challenge activities that make our school so extraordinary. In addition, your donations directly fund enrichment items that make our learning environment at Summit unique and academically excellent.
Our goal this year is to raise $100,000. Our hope is for 100% participation and a contribution of $350 per child, knowing that each family’s ability to make a donation varies. Over the years we’ve had donations range from $1/day, to $2,020 each year as a tribute to a child’s graduation year. We've also received donations from extended family and matching donations from a parent's place of work. We welcome donations of any amount; every donation makes a difference for our students and teachers.  
You can make a gift in a variety of ways:
  • Click here​ to submit a gift online.  You will have the option to donate in one lump sum or in monthly withdrawals.
  • Bring or mail a check to Summit (checks should be made out to Supporters of Summit).
  • Contribute through matching company gifts.
  • Donate Stock (email Tara at, for assistance).
All donations are tax deductible!
Thank you in advance for your generosity and for all you do to support Summit. Please remember that no gift is too small; our goal is 100% participation from our families!
Click here for a list of frequently asked questions about our Annual Fund.
If you have questions about giving, please contact Lisa Effress, Chair of the Development Committee for the Summit Board of Directors, at  


Parent Connections is a great way to learn about all the amazing events happening at Summit and how you can get involved in our school community! Parent Connections was created to provide activities and events that develop, educate, inform and strengthen the Summit Community. Our group of dedicated parents work hard to plan various fundraising events that promote the Summit mission and support Summit programs. This includes classroom tools, additional academic programs, professional development and capital improvements. Our Parent Connections Group meets the first Friday of every month, from 8:00-9:00 AM, in the Summit Cafe. All parents are welcome to join us! 

Parent Connections plans and executes fundraising events throughout the school year. Fundraising supports many Summit programs, including classroom tools, academic and extracurricular programs, capital improvements, and teacher needs. In addition to our Annual Fund Drive, we also coordinate several off-campus events, such as the Summit Soiree and Celebrate Summit, that can serve as both fundraisers and fun, community-building parties! Each event has a dedicated chairperson(s) and event team.

Community Building   
Parent Connections sponsors a variety of community events for Summit students, faculty, staff, and their families.  Some of these include our Back-to-School Picnic, International Night, Student Talent Show, Summit Parent Education Events, Restaurant & Parent Happy Hour Nights, and Student Service Learning Projects.  These events showcase, promote, and celebrate the talents, passion, and enthusiasm of our amazing school community.  

Parent Connections coordinates many of the volunteers that support programs and events within the school community including History Day and Science Fair, Field Trips, Open Enrollment tours, Office & Classroom Support, and Staff Appreciation. 

Parent Education
Parent Connections organizes events that allow parents to explore and exchange ideas and information, serve on committees and advisory panels, attend BOD meetings, and schedules education nights about topics that support and enrich the ongoing mission of Summit.

For our family, Summit has been a great fit. Our daughter thrived mostly because of the support she has received from her teachers, staff, and administrators. What she learned at Summit goes well beyond the classroom and will serve her well for many years to come. We are all very grateful for that." Summit Parent


Thank you for your interest in volunteering! Parent and community volunteers are an integral part of the Summit community. We use a program called HelpAtSchools for posting our volunteer needs. Please make sure that you are aware of the necessary volunteer requirements prior to signing up for a volunteer job. Thank you for the time and care that you dedicate to our school. 


The following guidelines apply to all Summit volunteers and will be used to determine volunteer status. All volunteers must complete a Raptor Security check either by completing the BVSD Raptor Volunteer Application which requires a  $24.99 submission fee or by utilizing the Raptor system at the front office window.  
The Raptor System checks for criminal and/or sex offender records and results are stored with BVSD for a full calendar year from approval, a master volunteer list is accessible and transferable between schools. All visitors to Summit must complete a Raptor Security check at the front office window before entrance into the school building or access to the campus while school is in session.
Level 1 –The volunteer service involves no contact with students or the contact with students is either incidental or directly supervised (“line of sight”) by a school employee. Level 1 volunteers must complete a Raptor Security check. 
Level 2 – The volunteer service involves direct or indirect supervision and contact with students on or off campus which is out of “line of sight” from school employees. Level 2 volunteers must complete an  Identico background screening (10 year duration) and complete BVSD volunteer agreement
Level 3 – The volunteer service which includes driving students. In order to transport students (other than a parents own child) in a private vehicle on behalf of the school for school activities Driving students requires: 
  • Drivers must be at least 21 years of age; of good moral character, and not addicted to the use of alcohol, narcotics, or other habit forming drugs; and must possess a valid Colorado driver's license.
  • Insurance requirements of the State of Colorado shall be observed by drivers and owners of private vehicles used for student transportation. In addition, the Board requires liability insurance coverage in the amount of $100,000/$300,000. Evidence of such coverage must be received by the school principal prior to vehicle use.
  • Consent must be provided by the parent/guardian of any transported student prior to such transport.
Level 3 volunteers must complete a Raptor Security check

Summit follows the BVSD Volunteer policy  IJOC - School Volunteers and EEAE, Student Transportation in Private Vehicles


To sign up for a volunteer job or check-out the current volunteer needs at Summit, please visit our HelpAtSchools website linked here. This site will outline all volunteer jobs within our school community. Please make sure that you have completed the necessary volunteer requirements for the volunteer job you wish to support.